Wednesday, 15 August 2012

dalam kesibukan harian, smpat jgak snap pic. dlm spital ke kayyy. hihihi =P
ini gambar smlm. kuar ofis 5pm, trus ke bazaar subang jaya. dah tak semeriah dulu. gerai yang bukak pun sikit je. jmpe jgak familiar faces kt subang =D how i miss those days in subang. 
xde nak pilih2 sgt pun, trus beli ape yg rase2 ok. nasi tomato 4 bgkus, nasi briyani ayam 1 (mak yg order) and nasi lemak 5 bgkus. comel gile nasi lemak singgit tu. pic xde, xsmpt nak snap dah abes di ngap ngap ngap.

Ni first time pakai jubah kt ofis baru. all black plak. reason nye snang je...bgun lmbat, ni je yg tercapai n xyah ssah nak iron.   

Bergambar dgn anak2 dara. Drang ni xde keje lain, dok spital bkak youtube then karaoke. adoyaiiiii, kecik2 dah cmni. sape yg ajar?? ntahla...syg kt bdak2 ni. sorg xckup, TAREQ. klu tareq ade lagi la havoc spital. jgn smpi misi2 spital sume die ngorat. hihihihi...

Ramadhan will end

Hati rasa: yeayyy da nak raya.

Otak tanya: ready ke nak raya?

Hati jawab: ermm...ermm belom, x kot.

Macam tu la perasaan sekarang. Masya'allah, banyak betol dugaan Ramadhan ni. Ade dugaan yang menyakitkan hati, perasaan dan fizikal. Ade yang menginsafkan dan banyak lagi. Alhamdulillah...semua yang jadi ade hikmahnya.

01/08/2012 - Keta eksiden...tang ni yang sedih, marah, geram dan sakit bagai sume bercampur. dahla overslept, kelam kabut nak pi ofis.

hujan lebat then brake tak makan. ini makan die!! at first terkejut gile, selama 8 tahun mengdrive keta xpanh langgar orang. dilanggar dah bnyk kali. nak wat cmne, dah nasib badan. habis separuh hari kt tepi jln n balai polis. balik rumah x tau nak wat ape, still in shock. naik katil terus tido smpi org kejut utk iftar. the next day mendapat...punye la sakit badan2 sume. siap ade lebam2 bagai. tpi gagahkan diri pegi ofis sbb keje sgt bnyk. nak harapkan org tlg, xdpt la. pape kang aku balik yg kena. baik lah yati ade keta lebih, dpt le pnjam keta dia. hilang kelisa dpt city...kau hado?? ekekekeke...

03/08/2012 - Ayah masuk spital...part ni sedih. ayah yang selama ini gagah perkasa, sakit mengejut gara2 kerosakan buah pinggang. masa ni rase nak maki je klinik and hospital yg ayah pernah wat check-up. ayah demam lebih seminggu, few clinics and hosp yg ayah dah pi. sume ckp demam biase and bgi ayah panadol. wtf??!! dri klinik kesihatan, HTAR smpi lah DEMC. sumenye nk mntak maki gamaknye. pegi ke hosp serdang baru doc ckp kidney ayah problem. bacaan normal 200 tpi ayah dah 1000 plus. terkedu. sedih tak tau nak ckp cmne la. Hj Noldin sorang je ayah ain.
3 hari kt serdang, drang dok drip air je. smpi ayah dah bloated. keadaan ayah cmtu gak, no changes. nmpak tua sgt ayah time tu. sob..sob..sob.. 07/08/2012 xsmpi ati tgk ayah dok kt spital tu lagi, dgn condition yang tidak menyembuhkan lgsg! org x sakit pun jadi sakit. ain pun dah start deman, cough, flu bagai. yati mntak tukar ayah ke ampang puteri. ayah xnak, sbb die xnak anak2 die tggung kos perubatan yg mahal. ayah sorng xkan anak 8 xbole nak bagi yang terbaik. kann?? so, tukar lah ke ampang puteri. service tip top, spital cantek. mcm ni baru la org sakit bole sihat balik....hihihi =D 3 hari ayah kt ICU. bile dengar ICU ingt mcm teruk sgt je. Alhamdulillah, ayah recover dgn jayanya. Tukar masuk ward biase. Blik sorang plak, bru la best melepak spital. Siap sewa katil extra tuuu. Mak la da xnak balik umah. Nak dok ngan suami kesayangan die je. hihihi...ain plak, evryday lpas keje pi ampang. tugas beli makanan utk berbuka. seminggu lebih ktorg buke kt spital atau dlm keta je (sngkut dalam jam). best jgak =P

ape pun yang jadi, insya'allah ade hikmahnye. yang paling terasa, bonding kami adik beradik makin kuat. moral support utk ayah dari sume mmg mmbanggakan. along & family, angah & family and lgi 6 org yg bujang2 ni setia mnjenguk ayah almost every day. in terms of $$$ yati and angah la yg bnyk sgt mmbantu. bagus kakak ain ni. ain mntak maaf la xdpt mmbntu sgt dgn kekangan bajet kawen plak. ade gak time yg terfikir nak cancel or postpone je hal kawen ni. serabut!!

yang bertambah serabut, baju pun x fitting lagi till today. mcm nyesal pun ade gak pkai bridal ni. LEMBAB!! duit asyik mntak, tpi hasil habuk pun tarak. b4 ramadhan janji siap hujung puasa, arini plak ckp 30@31 hb. sakit ati!!!! back up plan xde, nak xnak kene tggu die gak. kain sume awal tahun dah bagi. sabar je la....

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Tertengok cite ni kt astro last weekend. Tak pernah tau ade cite ni pun. I dun even know whether its a movie or drama. Layan kan je la since channel lain sume xde cite yg menarik. Tengok pun time tu dah start dlm setengah jam.

Start2 je tgk time this family ayah, mak, and their 2 sons nak dinner. 1st anak laki yg 1st answer a phone call. Pastu mak ayah die marah. "Time makan jgn nak berborak". Abes je drang berleter, si ayah plak ade call. Mak nye back-up "maybe ayah ade urgent call from office". Tak lama pastu, phone si emak plak berdering. Mak answer and she was talking about some sale kt manetah....hahaha. Cian anak2 jadik patung. Terus terpaku kt depan tv sampai penhujung cerita. Tersenyum puas. Cerita ini sangat menarik. Bole tengok lagi!

Bnyak scene2 yang kelaka and mmberi pengajaran. Paling suka part Adibah Noor advise Jaafar untuk puji anak die. Xkesah klu anak tu kurang pndai, kene bagi pujian sbb pujian tu yg akan memberi semangat nnti. Yang tak bole blah bile Jaafar cube nak puji anak jantan die. Tgah2 bdak tu senduk nasi utk Jaafar, Jaafar bole ckp "I Love U". Terkejut beruk anak die smpai terjatuh periuk nasi (kene marah lagi bdak tu). Hahahahahahaahaaa....mmg x reti nak berbaik dgn anak si Jaafar ni. Mmg best la cite ni. Layan kan...

Anyways, mmg bnyk pengajaran cite ni. Kdg2 mak ayah ni tau nak condemn anak drang je. Anak org, melangit dipuji nye. Budaya kite x mcm western (bukan nk ckp western ni bagos, tpi ade bnde yg kite bole amik and apply dlm daily life kite). "I Love You" "Thanks dear" "Good job" antara ayat yg selalu depa pkai. They are not ashame to show their feelings. Orang kita ni plak ssah nak tunjuk feeling kita tu. Tu yang smpai kdang2 org tak rase dihargai...  

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


aku kata suka
tapi kau tidak

aku kata cantik
kau kata hodoh

aku kata manis
kau kata masam

aku kata malam
kau kata siang

aku kata merah
kau kata hitam

memang aku dan kau tak sama
memang aku dan kau tak cuba untuk jadi sama

aku, aku
kau, kau

kata orang, rambut sama hitam
hati lain-lain
tapi aku tak marah
aku terima seadanya

Tuhan jadikan hambaNya dengan pelbagai keunikan

jgn pandang perbezaan kita suatu beban
tapi keUNIKan yang Tuhan beri untuk kita sama-sama mempelajari
satu sama lain......

#aku kata boring---kau kata apa?

Monday, 14 May 2012

Proud to be ONE

My shout-out for Rizq Thaqif on his 1st birthday!! May ALLAH bless you always and be a good boy yaaa....Amin

Birthday boy look awesome with the bow-tie + suspender. Loving it Farra.

I'm in love with Pja's new look. Gojess! And Mummy Fuzy really had a good time, i'm pretty sure bout that.
My angels...thanks to them for 'teman-ing' me for Qif's party. I'm just bored driving all alone. Love you girls to the moon and back to the earth. Can't stop loving you darlings (eventho Afa always with her antics).

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Let's KARAOKE bebeh!

Tajuk nak gempak kan...??
Karaoke ape tetengahari buta ni? Dalam ofis plak tu. Ni la pompuan gile tgh sangap nak berkaraoke. If i'm not mistaken, the last time i had a karaoke session with Mr.Fiance sumwhere in July 2011. I miss that moment sayang. Just the two of us. I know i was kinda hesitant to follow you and your buddies for your guys karaoke outing. I was kinda reserved back then. Kannnn?? Tpi sekarang tak lagi. I da xde la nak shy-shy-cat sgt macam dulu. Well, i think that's the only thing we have in common! Lupe pulak....One more is movie =D yeah...that's all. The rest sume nye lain. We listen to a diff music. We read diff books. We have diff hobbies. Nahhhhh, senang cerita, sume nye BERBEZA. But that is why we loves each other more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more. PRRAAKKKKKKKKK! (ketuk tangan sendiri sbb terlebih gedik) Hamik kauuu. But thwething is, we are different but we love each other and the differences that we have makes us a better person.

With my girls plak...karaoke session msti ade cik Fuzy Rahman. She's the best gal i ever have. Thanks darl. With this bitch, ooopppssss ANGEL i can do and share everything that i want. The last time we had our session sumwhere in May 2011 (i guess). It was at Bukit Tingi and Eqa joined us as well. Great threesome! Ngeeeee....Since my BIG DAY is coming soon, tibe2 teringat this one move that i watched with Fuzy. "Bride Wars". Such a funny+sisterly+great movie. We laughed till our guts hurts. We looked at each other and smile (cos we know sumtimes we really have this love+hate feelings toward each other). Since study lagi banyak kali gaduh then baik balik. Gaduh then baik balik. But i know, i'm the BAD one la slalunye. Cos i use SILENT THERAPHY and she really can't stand that. Hahahahahah..... At the end of the movie, i cried. I cried cos its kinda touchy-touchy plak nk smpai hujung tu. Keluar panggung, muke sume nak menyengihhhhh je. Sbb x abes lgi gelak. Kannnn??

Oleh sebab hari ni cuaca ala-ala redup nak mendung ni, best sangat melayan perasaan ni. Antara feeling yg ade skang ni :
1. Sangap nak karaoke
2. Rindu kt my future hubby yang 2 bulan x jejak tanah
3. Pening memikior pasal wedding
4. Rindu nak lepak chill ngan buddies smpai pagi-pagi buta
5. Nak tengok "Bride Wars" skali lagi ngan Cik Fuzy (sape2 yang ade DVD cite tu, tolong pass pleaseeeeeee)  

Sempena itu, moh le karaoke sorang2 lagu ni dlm office. Lagu ni contains sume feeling yang ade skang ni. I'm Scared...mmg scared sangat.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Honeymooners

Ini memang gedik. Kawen belom tapi da sibuk nk plan for honeymoon. Mane tak nye, last year before tunang da beli ticket. Tu pun sebab ticket flight murah (thanks AirAsia). If ic ould save up on the transportation, hope we can spend more on other things. Or we could have another 2 3 destination. Yeeehhaaaa!!

So, our 1st trip will be Phuket. Dekat je, xde la mampu nak sampai ke Bora Bora or Mauritius ke hape (buat muke seposen). For me, it will be my first trip to Phuket nor Thailand. I dunno why but i juz do not have the 'nafsu' to travel there. But as i was convinced by my beloved fiance (boyfie back then), i agreed. The option between Phuket and Krabi. But looking on the flight ticket fare, we come to the end of discussion. PHUKETTTT!! Mr.fiance has travelled there 3 4 times. Thus, i put all my trust for him to show me 'heaven on earth' =D

See this pic, it really calm me. The clear blue water and the clean white sand..woooo, i just can't wait to experience Phuket. We will stay there for a week but Mr.fiance would like to bring me to Krabi too. So we will see how it goes then. One way or another, i just can't wait to be with him. We will walk along the beaches and sing Kool and the Gang's masterpiece. "Let's take a walk together, near the ocean shores. Hand in hand, you and i. Let's CHERISH every moment, we have been given...lalalalala". Mesti back gilerrr.

Best jugak berangan camni, lagi2 time keje. Ade yang kene ketuk pale ngan Boss karang ni. Ok! back to reality Ain. You have so many work to be done and renew the filing system. Get it done NOW!!!



Morning, my goal is to get a new lip color. Yeahh!! But as a very lame boring person, the normal color that i would get is almost the same. The bravest attempt is my current lipstain (below).

There tonnes and tonnes of color but i just dont have the guts to make a change (my very typical mindset). Urghh! Even nak bli lipstick pn bnyk drama, meh cni amik SUCKER PUNCH! Macam2 color ade kt bawah ni, tpi bnyk tone brown kan? Ni la perangai si penakut. Boooooooooooooooooooooo....

Really hope that i can change my mindset of being scared of...almost everything. Especially to make the first step of change. Nak try color orange, hahahah. Bullshizzzz la pompuan ni. Tengok, ade bran ke xde bran. Hihihihi =D

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Kerabu...i lap youuuuuuu

Bila perempuan ini mengidam, ini yang di cari *droooooooling*


Happy tuesday all...i woke up this morning with a smile on my face =D dunno why but i feel giddy good today. 

While i'm doing my work in my small lil' station, i'm listening to my all time favourite by Lauryn Hill "Killing Me Softly". And i keep on smiliiiinnnnnngggggggggg =D =D =D i feel excited for a reason that i don't even know. Haippp..

Last night i watched The X-Factor USA. I just can't erase this name from my mind "Chris Rene". He look like an average normal white chap BUT with a great voice. Well, not a big great voice like Lionel Richie or Marc Anthony, but i love his performance. He put his soul in it and i can see the honesty. Hahaha....trying my luck to be the next judge? Boo Hooo....   

This morning someone asked my a very obvious question. I walked into the office and she asked me, "Kerja hari ni?". Sepantas kilat i gave her a snappy answer, "Takdelah, nak shopping kt dalam ni". Urghhhhh....if you don't know how to start a conversation with someone that you rarely talk to, just keep silent. U don't have to act that you are a friendly type of person (or maybe too friendly). Just smile, that's enough. Faham anak-anak????

*** SMILE; it makes people wonder what you are thinking ***

Monday, 7 May 2012

Humble Pliss...

Hello spoilt brat,
I don't hate you
I just don't like you

You think you're pretty?
There are dozens of pretty ladies out there...
Pretty inside out!

You think you're rich?
There are many young millionaires out there...
With their own effort!

So please...stop being snobbish. Or one day, all of your friends will leave you behind. 

snob (snÉ’b)

- n
1. a.Compare inverted snob a person who strives to associate with those of higher social status and who behaves condescendingly to others


I find it very hard to comunicate with these "perasan bagus" people. Bukan sorang, tpi rmai plak tu. Rase mcm nak bagi kaki je. Izit too hard to treat people nicely? Why being arrogant? Snobbish? High nose? God never differentiate us with our look n wealth. We are all the SAME. Perangai buruk tu xkan bawak u ke mane-mane.   

p/s : This is a gentle reminder to myself and everyone in this whole wide world. MODE : Serius

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Kepeningan Melanda

Bile bercakap pasal kawen je, pening. Bile pening je, kawen... adoyaiii  T_______T
Dok kire bajet tiap2 ari and makin rase x smpat nk ckup kan duit. Mmg x sangke ssah gak rupenye nak kawen. Alhamdulillah Mr.Fiance sgt memahami. Banyak sgt yg die dah tolong dri segi financial, energy, emotion and etc. Tpi tang emotion tu yg tak tahan tu. Makin dekat hari nye, makin bnyk yg ade je tak kene. Moody terlebey plak.

!! Pang !! Bagi penampar kt diri sendiri.
Pelamin Idaman...tpi kompom high budget tak hengattt!

::: Update majlis nikah 22/9/12 :::
- Kursus Nikah
- Pelamin + Deco
- Baju Nikah + Make Up + Photographer

At the moment, cuma 3 yg kt atas tu je yg dah confirm. Ade bnyk lagi nak cari and buat.

- Hantaran 15 dulang (naik juling mate tgk nombor tu. tatau nak letak ape dah. nasib la nak kawen ngan anak tunggal)
- Canopy
- Catering 
- Tok Kadi & permohonan nikah

::: Update majlis resepsi 23/9/12 :::
- Tempahan Dewan
- Pelamin & Deco + Make up + Photographer
- Catering
- Wedding Dress
- Bridesmaid & Family Outfit
- Bunga Telur(thanks to Mak sbb susah payah nak mggentel bunga telor tu satu satu)
Untuk reception plak, tinggal door gift ngan kad je yg xde lagi. Alhamdulillah, walaupun x nampak sgt prepartion ni, tpi bnyk sbnarnye yang dah settle. Maybe sbb I ni gile kuase sgt kot. Sume bende i nak take charge. Smpai kan lagu2 utk majlis reception pun i nak arrange sndiri. Rasenye bile I yang incharged, evrything tu ade sentimental value yg tersendiri. Mcm lagu tu, it'll all consist of our favourite songs (well, actually 80% is mine...hahaha). Tpi Mr.Fiance ok je. Syukur..  

That's all for now. Nak pi mamam.... =D 

Love Don't Do

Love's a golden band, Little hands that have gripped a thousand years
You thought he was the only man, As he left you in your December tears
He don't deserve, A woman like you, A man like me
Needs to show you, What real love is supposed to be
Funny how the days of new, Keep speeding up
But the nights of old, Seem like they're slowing down
Baby don't you cry, To save the truth, From coming out
With words that let him go, I guarantee he won't be back around

Love don't do, What he did to you
Don't you know love was made for two, Me and you
Love don't do, What he did to you, Love don't leave you in the cold
Maybe the tale you've not been told, Story of all he did to you
Love don't do

Come in from the rain, Outside take off your coat
Come over here by the fireplace, I know baby, I know it feels so bad
When someone you love, Comes and leaves your side
Strange what desire, Can make people do, Following foolish pride
They say you don't really love somebody
'Til you love them enough to let them go
Seems these cliches had a reason to be made
His love came a lifetime too late, You had to let him know

Love don't do, What he did to you
Don't you know love was made for two, Me and you
Love don't do, What he did to you
Love don't leave you in the cold
Maybe the tale you've not been told
Story of all he did to you
Love don't do 
** song of the day. let's sing along. (jiwang mode)

Si Dia

Saya tau,
Saya banyak menyakiti,
Saya banyak memungkiri,
Namun dia tetap di sisi.

Semakin dekat semakin jauh,
Saya menjauh, dia cuba menghampiri,
Saya banyak menyendiri,
Tetapi dia tetap cuba menyelami,
Hati ini.

Mungkin saya terlalu rapuh,
Terlalu mudah menjadi bodoh,
Masih juga si dia tetap berdiri,
Susah senang mahu berkongsi,

Terima kasih kepada dia,
Si dia penyedap hati,

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Teringin sangat la plak! Tetapi disebabkan keadaan badan yg tidak mengizinkan, kene HOLD dulu. Lpas tgk weight scale trun 5kg, baru bole dpt makan. Gift for myself bile dah berjaye turun kn berat badan. makan die!

Tennessee Glaze Sauce yg sgt sweet dan menggiurkan....auwww!



Headache, stomachache, gastric...mcm2 lagi pn ade. Dengan kejenye yg ntahpape skang ni. Ngan preparation nk kawen bagai. Tibe2 rse 9 blan tu mcm 9 minggu je. Tak sangka payah gak nk kawen ni sbnarnye. Adohainyepun...Currently, preparation sgt2 la slow..mcm 40kmj je sdangkan ati berkobar2 nk lari at least 90kmj. Keje skang p x menentu, xde kpastian lgi. Ntah nape berat ati plak nk tggalkn tmpt keje yg dah 2 tahun bersame. Bnyk nostalgic moment kat scicom ni rupenye...tmpt gelak, nanges, jatuh bangun sume ade. Like i've built my life around it je. I love the people there cos some of them make me feel like a family.  But for sure, on one fine day, i'll be leaving scicom. But memories will remain...

Lpas hal keje, hal rumah sewa plak. Officially i'll be moving out dri rumah sewa tu 31Jan ni. Eventho da dkt 2 bln x dok sgt kt rumah tu. Sbbnye skang ni ditugaskn kt Klang la plak. Thus, i just stay at my parent's place. Dekat n xyah pk psal nk mkan ape blik keje cos tentu2 mak dah siapkan sume tu. Hihihi...and lagi satu bestnye, da bole start tgk cite2 hantu balik. Sbb da xde rase takut dok umah sorg2. Yeeeehaaaaa!!

OK, back to the " biggest pening" Best part. WEDDING. Date and venue dah confirm. Nikah on 22Sept12 and wedding reception on 23Sept12. Tu kat tempat i, tmpat si dia plak on 7Oct12. Venue, nikah kat rumah and reception dewan meru (my side) dewan ibukota (his side).  Abes part tu, nk kene cari bridal, pilih baju, catering, door gift, hantaran plak...$$$ bnyk nk melayang. Luckily si dia sgt2 mmbantu and patient spanjang proses ni (buat mase ni la). As usual i slalu mngamuk, tarik muke and mcm2 lagi. Lgi2 klu ape yg i plan n i nak dpt bntahan or ade org nk tuka. It's my wedding...i know i takkan boleh puaskn ati tiap org. But at least i nak i puas ati cos IT'S MY WEDDING. Once in a lifetime kot *sigh*.


Lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths.