Tuesday, 27 December 2011

We are nearing 2012...yippidewwww!!

Pheww.....in less than a weeks we will be in 2012. Alhamdulillah. 
In 2011, many great things happen in my life. I am surrounded with joy, love and happiness. Major changes in my career and love life. I'm such a lucky one!! Below are some achievement and happy moment i had in 2011.
  • job promotion....i love this part <3
  • experience to be a trainer. well, i know i'm not good in words but i've gone thru months of joy with my trainee
  • trip with my girlfrens for the first time. It's Bandung ya'll
  • my second trip in 2011 is Vietnam.....i love it cos this is the first trip that we need to ride a bike. i'm terrified in the beginning but i get used to it. It's cool riding a bike!
  • getting engaged with my deary Fadhil. i think this is the best moment i ever had in my life. guess it is time for us to settle down and build a family....like SERIOUSLYYYY!!
  • i had the sweetest surprise on my 27th birthday.  

I think these are all the moment that brought me joy in 2011. I have few others but i guess, i shud keep it to myself...ngeh =P

Insya'allah, 2012 will bring a great kick start in my journey. Amin...
My 1st dinner with the mgt team @ Le Meridien KL

Batch yg superb! Wish them all the best in life..

Sopping juta juta =P

Lost in Ho Chi Minh


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Sitting Elephant

On a boring Sunday afternoon, me and my lil' sis, Teha went for a window shopping. On the way back, we played a simple games ( the traffic was quite bad tho! ). It's a searching game. Whatever we see on the way, we'll as the other person to point it out. This is how it goes :

Me : Dik, cari WHR 5724.
Teha : Senang je....keta kancil hitam tu.
Me : Ok...
Teha : Kak ain cri plak Bossini.
Me : Tu dia....(i saw a billboard on the left side of the road). Terer kan kak ain?

Then i'm searching for sumthing that kinda hard for her to find. Suddenly, i saw a billboard of Malaysian famous kain pelekat brand.

Me : Adik, cari Gajah Duduk.
Teha : Hihihihihi......(she start to laugh and giving me a smug face) 
Me : Pehal? Cari la cepat.....
Teha : Tu....with her eyes looking at me like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Me : Amende ko ni dik???
Teha : Gajah duduk la...sebelah adik ni. (pointing her small finger at me)
Me : jfjfjfjssph@#@!!!

p/s : mmg nak kene lempang adik aku sorang niyh!!

Ka Ching!!

Gile kalau ade pokok duet camnih!! Berebut orang nk tanam. Hihhihihihi.....Dunia skrang, it's all bout money. Sometimes it's funny to see n hear that people willing to do anything to get money. Those yg ikut cara yang betol xpela. Ni yang ikut care salah. Pening palo tengok!! Some of they think that "The end justify the means" (niat menghalalkan care). WTF?!!!   Yang perempuan, sanggup mnggadai body utk dpt hidup senang dgn lelaki idung belang. Yang lelaki plak sanggu jdi 'anak ikan' perempuan tue yang sangap x sedar diri nak mampos! Rasuah utk dpt project, rompak, pecah rumah, blackmail...tu sume sbb nak dpt kn duit dgn care mudah. Bile tanye kenape wat keje ni sume? Jawapan nye:
- Sebab nak idup kat KL ni. Bkan senang nk cari duit.
Klu dah tau nak dok KL yang smmangnye cost idup mahal, pi la dok kt tmpt yg lgi murah cost nye. Cari keje, saving. Kate orang, lame jadik bukit. Bukan nye mengangkang kat jantan/betina utk dpt duit!
- Susah nak cari keje skang ni.
Itu cakap orang malas! Skang ni bnyk shopping mall/supermarket. Kat situ mcm2 keje ade. promoter, cashier, sales person, cleaner, cust svc. Ko jgn ckp xbole nak wat keje tu sume. Org lepas PMR pn bole buat, xkan ko x boleh! Ape??? Malu....x glamour....x larat?? Meh sini aku sekeh pale ko. Ni la ssah org skang. Bru abes study nak dpt keje manager. Keje shift x mau. Keje lebey mase x boleh. Weekend x nak keje, family time katenye *haktuihhhhh!!*. Org mcm ni mmg x payah idup. Idup mnyusahkn org.
- Nak sara family or bagi anak bini/mak ayah idup senang.
Ni ayat paling sadis. Ko sanggup bagi duet haram kt family ko?? Lgi2 wat belanje makan. Astagfirullahalazim...jadik darah daging tuuuu. X kesian ke tgk muke ayah korang yg bersungguh igt anak drg ni anak mithali? X lupe tggjawab kt mak bapak yg dah besarkn drg dgn pnuh didikan n kase syg. X rase berslah ke tatap wajah anak bini yg tiap2 hari bangga dgn ayah/suami drang yg dirasakan sgat bertanggungjawab mnyiapkan makan pakai drg sekeluarga? Kasihan mereka....
- Ala, ktorang pecah umah orang kaye. Ape salah amik sket dri drang. Bkan abes pon.
Pale hotak kau??!! Igt org kaye tu pn snang ke nk dpt duet tu? Klu betol ko ssah and termasuk dlm asnaf yg patut mndpt bantuan, tu pi kt Pusat zakat tu. Register dgn drang dan klu btol ko layak, ko dpt bantuan bulanan. Tpi kene btol layak la kan..ini klu sihat tubuh badan, bole bkerja sume, jawapannye--MEMANG TAK ARR!!

Bermacam2 care yg x betol klu nak di list kan sbnarnye. Tpi kite tepuk dade tanye iman, tepuk pale tanye otak. Jgn disebabkan duet kite sggup mggadai maruah, agama, bangsa dan negara. Lagi2 kite yg hidup kt bumi bertuah, Malaysia ni. Mcm2 kite bole buat (care halal) utk dpt duet. Yang penting, Usaha, Doa, Tawakal. Allah sentiasa bersama. Insya'allah... 

Tpi klu ko jnis org mg x reti nk wat tu sume, satu je aku sarankan. Ko try la cri benih pokok duet mcm pokok kt atas tu. Klu ko dpt, ko x yah la pikir2 lgi cmne nk dapat duet. Pastu ko just pikir cmne nk abes kan duet je ye. Nak petik saje......selamat berjaye!!

p/s : mood pagi dalam opis tgh buat belanjawan. adush, duet x ckup agi.....arkk! siyes klu sape2 berjaye tnam pokok duet tu, lemme know ya. komisyen arr sket sbab bgi idea ni. ngeeee****

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Last Night

*sigh* muke sememeh + hidung berair + zombie eye. Great job to the team. They keep me awake till 2am when i supposed to go back home and have my beauty sleep at 11pm. Bravo+clapclap. Angry Bird aku!

Tapi ingt2 balik, malam tdi mmg awesome. For the 1st time masak kt umah org. Ktorg wat dinner birthday for our boss, Bob. Eventho its started way too late as i xpected and 1 tibe2 "bendera merah'' melanda...kuat kn ati+semangat+badan ikut je la bontot yg laen ke rumah die kt jln klang lama. Lalu plak la umah mak cik edah kt kt tmn tan yew lai. 

I start cooking at 9pm while fara, syahida n lisa are still on their way. Shankar n bob busy with their thing (which i dunno wat it was). After half an hour, the rest of the team arrived. As usual, i mmg x reti kt dapo umah org n ramai2 org dlm dapo ni. So, mulut mmg terkunci la. Sambil masak, sempat jugak la snap snip snap!! But most of the pictures are with them. X smpat pkai my phone cam cos i'm so busy...too busy i mean *haktuihhhhh!!*.

Around 11pm, the foods are all ready. The menu is chicken pasta salad, shepher's pie and nasi arab (yg ni beli je, from Saba'). Alhamdulillah, sumenye mnjadi n sedap (ni bukan ayat amik ati ye. It's truly sedap...ngeh3x). So pasni, sape2 nk blaja masak ngan i, sila-silakanlah ye. Agagagagagaga.....

Anyway, Happy Birthday in advance (12dec11) to Mr. Naweshad. Wish u all the best and cepat2 kawen!! Peace.out.


Take a good look. I mean....a real good look. There are 5 pictures in total. 



I bet the girl in the middle (pic 3) will catch your eyes. Aren't they look alike? Rihanna, me, Beyonce. Gosh....i've found my twins ***pengsan!!***

Friday, 9 December 2011


Ok...here is the deal. I'll try my level best to post at least 2 entry in a week. Dare me?? Fret not. Hahaha.
Reason i'm putting this pic? Well, i love the cake very much and i love the person who gv it to me much much more. It was my 27th birthday. Hooorahhh!!


Lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths.